headshot session

"Alice in Wonderland"

I've been brainstorming for new photography concepts recently and this is the first of many to follow.

I teamed up with a makeup artist from London to design a shoot based on the fairytale concept of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. We collaborated with Audrey and Lenny Boutique in downtown, LA. They provided a stunning collection of vintage clothes and accessories for the shoot, allowing us to invoke the strange yet beautiful aesthetic for which Wonderland is so well known.

Our amazing stylist Roki Torres assembled some original and appropriately theatrical themed looks prior to the shoot and was there on hand to pull it all together. Model Chenelle Aaron Badgett was the star of the show. I am very excited to have worked with this team of creative and talented individuals who helped make the project a success.

Stay tuned for the final images, we're extremely pleased with them and worked on several different looks, all depicting different aspects of characters and themes of the Alice in Wonderland surreal style. I look forward to sharing them with you.

Source: www.luciealeks.com